Letter from the Editor


Already we are quarter of the way through 2022 as we embrace the new "COVID19 normal" in Australia and New Zealand.  I know many of us have succumbed and recovered from COVID19 by now.  I clearly had the "Man-COVID19" strain and thought I was dying (I wasn't) for the last two weeks...only beaten by my Man-Flu of 2019 when I thought I had aseptic meningitis (I didn't, it was caffeine withdrawal).  


One very exciting sign that the world is slowly returning to normal is the prospect of Blood 2022 being a face-to-face meeting (yaaaaaass!).  It will be a great opportunity to partake in continuing education sans the PJs-with-a-glass-of-wine-in-front-of-laptop experience (or was that just me during ASH???), and I am sure that we will rejoice in the opportunity to catch up with all our peers.  Cannot wait to see you all on the dance floor at the gala... *cough* I meant auditorium at Blood 2022 Sydney :) 


Please enjoy this issue of the THANZ Newsletter brought to you by #THANZSquad



Danny Hsu 


Presidents Report


Firstly, I hope that everyone has a had a terrific start to 2022 to date.  COVID-19 however, continues to linger and persist with its impact on individuals and on the health system in general.  Case numbers of COVID-19 infection are rising with the emergence of the Omicron BA.2 subvariant.  I hope everyone stays safe and well during these challenging times.


A major highlight to look forward to this year is the BLOOD 2022 conference.  A face-to-face meeting, the first since BLOOD 2019 in Perth, is very much on the cards.  The program is progressing nicely, with sessions that will stimulate debate and discussion on topical issues in haemostasis and thrombosis.  Planning too is also underway for the THANZ workshop.  It will be great to see fellow colleagues and friends again and Sydney promises to put on a terrific show in September, so mark your diaries and submit your abstracts!😊


Pantep Angchaisuksiri, Professor of Medicine and based in Bangkok, Thailand, was recently announced as the president-elect of the ISTH for 2024-26.  This is terrific news for the haemostasis and thrombosis community in the Asia-Pacific region.  THANZ looks forward to being part of the global effort of the ISTH to promote research and enhance understanding of bleeding and clotting disorders in the wider community, particularly in the Asia Pacific region. 


To something more light-hearted, readers will get to know the THANZ council members better in a fun and enjoyable way from this edition onwards.  Please don’t hold their tastes in music against them!  


By the time the next THANZ newsletter hits our inboxes, our THANZ secretariat, Megan Sarson, will be sipping pina coladas in an exotic location as she takes a well-deserved break from THANZ duties.  I would like to thank Megan for her countless hours of hard work and service.  Rest assured, we will still find a way to stay in touch with her during her travels😊


Best regards

Chee Wee Tan 



Secretarys Report

Welcome all to 2022. The year has been off to a running start for THANZ and its members. Our newly elected THANZ councilors have been getting to know each other and working hard to deliver and advocate for thrombosis and haemostasis related issues and research.


Planning is well underway for Blood 2022 in Sydney (September 11-14th) with a line up of world leading speakers in malignant and non-malignant Haematology. As COVID-19 related travel and isolation restrictions steadily lift across the nation, we look forward to welcoming many of you back to an exciting face to face conference in September. We are also busy planning an exciting schedule for the THANZ workshop which will run on September 10th

The Science and Education funding rounds opened in late March providing THANZ members with opportunities for financial support for research and travel. Additional new funding is also on offer to foster research collaborations with Asia so keep an eye out for these.


With over 320 active THANZ members, we are working hard to share and communicate the important issues facing our members and key stakeholders. We look forward to hearing your thoughts and suggestions of improvements as the year progresses.  


Cherry Keragala



Councillor Profile



Continuing the introduction to the new 2021-23 Council, we thought we'd add a little mystery in to the mix. A couple of Council members have answered a series of professional and personal questions- looking at their answers can you guess which Council members we're profiling in this edition?? No prizes- but we'll give you the answers in the next edition!


Mystery Council member #1

1) What is your secret talent? 

I used to be a music correspondent for my University paper, and I could write short, pithy, possibly humorous reviews of performances, whilst not actually remembering what happened.


2) What is your clinical and research interests?

Clinically, I want to bring the best clinical care in venous thrombosis and bleeding disorders to the people of my state. My research interests are usually clinical, learning what I can from my patients.


3) When you can travel again, where would you go and why?

Back to grey England, to care for ailing relatives.


4) What was your most memorable conference experience?

At the ‘Blood’ HAA Ball in 2011 at Lunar Park in Sydney, the Roche Pharma reps conspired to introduce me to my future partner, also a Haematologist. Despite initially being more interested in dancing with lab guys from NSW, we have been together for 10 years since that night, and I’m still declaring a conflict of interest where Roche is concerned.


5) What piece of advice would you give to someone coming up the ranks in T&H?

Definitely find the time to study something in depth, either by a Fellowship or Masters / PhD. I wish I had spent more time and done a higher degree. Developing the highest expertise in something is worthwhile, and it gives you a perspective on lab and research results that helps as a T&H clinician.


6) What is your favourite book?

Maybe The Remains of the Day by Kazuo Ishiguro, or something by Ian Banks, like The Crow Road. Sadly my attention / distraction span rarely lets me finish a book these days.


7)What music do you listen to?

Lots. Currently FTHC by Frank Turner.


Mystery Council member #2

1)What is your secret talent? 

This is an interesting question as it presupposes I posses talents……nevertheless, I like to think my cooking skills are not too shabby. Although my wife may debate this point ferociously.


2) What is your clinical and research interests? 

All things clots and all things platelets. I am a simple person, and platelets are simple cells on the face of it, but are fundamental to our existence.


3) When you can travel again, where would you go and why? 

Possibly Bunnings – provided it is safe to do so.


4) What was your most memorable conference experience?

This would have to be a nocturnal search for the perfect sushi restaurant in Kyoto, only to stumble into a private Geisha club. Although I hasten to add we did not stay. The prices were way too steep!


5)What piece of advice would you give to someone coming up the ranks in T&H?

Find a mentor, find your interest and don’t be scared of doing a higher degree!


6) What is your ask favourite book?

The ‘Pig the Pug’ series is a favourite in our house and can be appreciated on many levels. Otherwise, I don’t read fiction (kids books aside) so in terms of non fiction, everyone should read the Death of Expertise and Our Own Worst Enemy by Tom Nichols.


7) What music do you listen to?

The Clash, Pink Floyd, Pearl Jam – I guess I am getting old.



2022 Science & Education Funding Round

THANZ members are encouraged to apply for one of the grants available in the 2022 S&E Funding round, which opened on 21st March and will run until the end of April. All grants in 2022 are courtesy of the donation made by the ISTH Legacy Fund, arising from the successful ISTH Congress held in Melbourne in 2019. 


S&E Research Grant

There is  Aus$42,500 available for one of more research projects. This grant may be used to supplement existing research projects or to fully fund larger projects. Preference will be given to international collaborations from developing countries in Asia, particularly SE Asia and the Asia-Pacific region.


S&E Travel/Conference Grant

A maximum of Aus$16,000 is available for up to 6 grants. These grants may be used to

attend a scientific meeting for the presentation of research- this includes registration for virtual meetings; or for local or overseas opportunities for professional development and collaboration.

Applications for Travel/Conference grants are particularly encouraged from young investigators; those who have had an abstract accepted for presentation and those who have no alternative funding source.  Applications to attend the ISTH meeting in London, in July, are also encouraged.


Applications for the Research Grant and the Travel/Conference Grant must be made on line via the THANZ web site and must be submitted by 30th April. 


Two new S&E Grants

As foreshadowed this time last year, there are 2 new S&E grants in 2022.


International Blood Conference Grant

The first is a Aus$4,000 conference grant for a non-member based in a developing country in Asia to attend Blood. This award will be made to the author of the highest scoring abstract submitted to the T&H stream at Blood, in much the same way as the Blood member travel grants are awarded.


International Collaboration Grant

The second new grant will facilitate collaborations between our members and colleagues in developing countries in Asia. This Aus$10,000 International Collaboration Grant is open to

  • early-to-mid career non-members wanting to travel to collaborate with a THANZ member, who has specific expertise in particular aspects of T&H, at their institution, in either Australia or New Zealand; or
  • a THANZ member who wishes to travel to an institution in a developing country in Asia to impart specific T&H skills and knowledge.

Applications for this grant will be open  between May to June, for travel (subject to COVID restrictions) before the end of 2023, and must be made via our web site. With awhile to go before you can apply, this is the perfect time to contact international colleagues and put together a proposal for a collaboration either at home or overseas.





Supporting the Worlds Greatest Shave 



Many of our long standing members may recall Emma Jones-Perrin, who was a Council member for 3 terms, from 2003-05 to 2007-09 and also edited the newsletter during this time. She has recently participated in the Worlds Greatest Shave to raise funds for the Leukaemia Foundation, by shaving her long locks off. Her inspiration to raise funds came after her youngest son, Elliott, was diagnosed with leukaemia and since being shorn, she has raised over $25,000! If you'd like contribute its not too late- her fund raising page can be found here



THANZ Workshop


The THANZ Workshop returns to Sydney

Saturday 10th September 2022

Dear Members,

I’m excited to invite you all to the THANZ Workshop which will be held at the International Convention Centre in Sydney on Saturday 10th September, the day before the main Blood conference begins.


The Workshop will be an ‘in person’ event only, so its going to be a fantastic chance to meet up with friends and colleagues from across the country for the first time in more than two years!


The program will include a presentation by Prof. Matt Rondina, from the University of Utah, on the fascinating link between the immune system and our platelets, ahead of his appearance at Blood.

The THANZ Workshop is a chance for our members to present their work, so we would love to hear from you if there is something you’d like to present. We would be particularly pleased to have our early career lab scientists and registrar members present in front of the supportive THANZ community.


If you have an interesting topic on laboratory haemostasis and thrombosis or integrating clinical and laboratory features, we would love to hear from you. Drop us a line on:

Dominic.Pepperell@health.wa.gov.au or m.sarson@thanz.org.au


There will also be a THANZ Workshop Poster Session this year, complete with prizes. If you’d like to bring a poster this year either just for the Workshop, or if you’d like to display your poster from the main Blood conference at the Workshop, you must let us know. To have a chance of the prize, each poster presenter will give a 2-3 minute summary of their work just before the lunch break.


How to register for the Workshop: Registration is via the THANZ web site -click here - but remember you must be logged in to the Member Centre get the discounted member price. 


We look forward to seeing you there,

Dr Dominic Pepperell


APACE Scheme


The Australasian Professional Acknowledgement of Continuing Education program, or APACE program, is a voluntary programme which recognises continuing education, formal courses and a wide range of professional activities which contribute to ongoing professional development. APACE is administered by the Australian Institute of Medical and Clinical Scientists (AIMS). Participation in APACE is free for members of AIMS in all categories. Non-members of AIMS are also able to participate in the APACE program upon payment of an administration fee. This fee is currently $AUD100 for members of affiliated societies such as THANZ. For those seeking certification by the Australian Council for the Certification of the Medical Laboratory Scientific Workforce (CMLS), an APACE certificate is recognised as evidence of continuing education.


To qualify for an APACE certificate, participants submit a diary of their continuing education activities. CPD activities have points value allocated, as outlined in the APACE activity guide found at https://www.aims.org.au/apace/apace-activity-credit-guide. For example, APACE points can be claimed for serving on professional committees, attending or presenting at scientific meetings, reading journal articles, participating in online learning activities, and so on. For medical laboratory scientists, accrual of 100 points in a two-year time frame is required to receive an APACE certificate. As an example, accruing 100 points could involve the following:


24 points for 2 years full time employment as a medical scientist

10 points for attending the full day THANZ scientific workshop

35 points for attending Blood 2022

12 points for reading 12 journal articles

4 points for attending the HSANZ/THANZ joint webinar on Covid and Haematology

10 points for Certification by CMLS

5 points for a workplace in-service presentation


Once the required number of credits is accrued within the two-year period, the APACE Committee reviews and ratifies the application. Once ratified, you will be sent an APACE certificate.


APACE certification is achievable by all. It enables us to actively maintain and enhance our knowledge, skills and experience, and ensure our skills and knowledge are always up to date. This allows us to provide our patients with the best care possible.


Dianne Lovelock, THANZ representative on the APACE committee


Blood 2022


We are very pleased to announce that the annual Blood conference this year (11th to 14th September) at the Sydney International Convention Centre will be an in-person, face-to-face event again.  Registrations and call for abstracts are now open, with the deadline for abstract submissions on the 18th May at 2000H (AEST).


We will have Matthew Rondina (USA), Peter Verhamme (Belgium) and Nichola Cooper (UK) as our international invited THANZ speakers covering a broad range of topics including immunothrombosis, platelets in COVID and novel anticoagulants (pssst, a reminder to everyone to comment on the ISTH SSC Control of Anticoagulation draft recommendations on nomenclature of emerging anticoagulant therapies).


There will also be networking events such as the Wine and Cheese Poster viewing, as well as the Gala Dinner (rumoured to be a Roaring 20s theme...ooh la la) for a long overdue chance to catch up with friends and colleagues.


Hope to see everyone there!


Danny Hsu (on behalf of myself and Caroline Reddel) 

Blood 2022 Local Organising Committee (THANZ Representatives)    



Welcome New Members

Please welcome new member Radha and others who have joined recently and chosen to keep their details private.


THANZ office working remotely


The THANZ office will be working remotely for  about 6 months while I travel to northern Australia on Long Service Leave from my other position with the Australian Haemophilia Centre Directors Organisation (AHCDO). This means that if you need to contact me you should call 0425 700 631 (my normal mobile) or, if you get no answer, 0404 742 237 (my satellite phone) rather than the office land line. Of course, you can still email me but it may take a few days to reply as I will be mainly limiting my working hours to Wednesday and Thursday. (During the pandemic, I have been working from home full time so have been able to monitor emails throughout the week and not just on the THANZ days).


As I will be travelling to some remote areas (Cape York is the first destination), there may be some periods when internet access is patchy, restricting email contact, but you should always be able to reach me on the satellite phone number given above.


Megan Sarson



Thanks to our Corporate Sponsor - Novo Nordisk


Our continued thanks go to Novo Nordisk for their on-going support of THANZ